The recently launched Initiative “Reintroduction of the Polesskaya Horse” aims to save one of the most endangered horse species in Europe. European Rewilding membership will help the team achieve its goals. Although the European wild horse is officially considered extinct, its genetic material is still found in many European native horse breeds such as the […]
WEBINAR. Issues Related to the Conservation of Polesskaya Horses
On June 27, 2021, an online meeting will be held dedicated to the issues related to the conservation of horses.
Our 2nd expedition aimed at searching for Polesskaya horses has taken place
On June 14-16, 2021, the 2nd expedition aimed at searching for Polesskaya horses took place. This time, the group of experts visited more than 10 villages in the Luninets District.
ABS NCC held workshops on the Nagoya Protocol in Gorki and Mogilev
On 27-29 April 2021, ABS NCC staff members held workshops to inform about the legislative regulation on access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge for the professorial and teaching staff of the Educational Institution “Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University” and “Belarusian State of the Orders of the October Revolution and the Order of the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy.”
Belarusian herbalist from Sanyuki in the coverage of the Global ABS Community
In the framework of the UNDP-GEF Global ABS Project, the Global ASB Community has made publication about Ludmila, a traditional knowledge holder in Belarus.
Tree Beekeeping ― Binding the Times. Album-book
“Tree Beekeeping ― Binding the Times” is a unique album-book, the 6th edition of the series “Cultural Heritage of Belarus” released by the Publishing House “Four Quarters” under the Social Project “Belarusian Cultural Heritage” of the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus.