Workshop. Biodiversity in the System of Traditional Knowledge of Belarusians
Presentation-by-E.-Makeyeva Presentation-by-T.-Kukharonak Presentation-by-T.-Volodina Presentation-by-V.-Lemesh Presentation-by-Y.-Vnukovich-et-al.
A Story of Zonya Rudzko
This is a photograph of Zonya Ignatievna RUDKO from the village of Rechen,
Lyuban District. The photo was taken in 2016, shortly before her death. The photo
became a “Lekavya Travy” (Medicinal Herbs) music CD cover by the RELIKT group.
The lady knew herbs, advised people on how to use them in healing and used
them herself. She was a herbalist without any witchcraft or spellful background ‒
she simply knew what this or that herb was helpful for.

Plants in the System of Traditional Knowledge of Belarusians. Monograph. T.V. Valodzina et al.
The book is devoted to the plant world knowledge, vision and rituals in the Belarusian village of 19th-21st centuries. History of ethnographic data collection about plants is highlighted, including traditional phytotherapy and use of wild plants in foodways. The world of herbs and trees is considered as a single “text” where biological features and economic use of plants are inseparable from their mythopoetic understanding.
On 25 March 2019, Minsk hosted the Workshop “Man and nature: local knowledge of plants in the traditional culture of Belarusians”
On 25 March 2019, the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the framework of the UNDP-GEF International Technical Assistance Project “Strengthening of human resources, legal frameworks and institutional capacities to implement the Nagoya Protocol in the Republic of Belarus” of March 30, 2018 No. 2/1/000874 in collaboration with the Centre for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Research, NAS of Belarus, hosted the Workshop “Man and nature: local knowledge of plants in the traditional culture of Belarusians”.
The Scientific and Practical Workshop “Preservation of Traditional Knowledge and Practices Associated with Genetic Resources: Strategies, Tactics, Key Actors” was held on February 26, 2019 at the Republican Centre for the State Ecological Expertise and Advanced Training of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection within the framework of the International Technical Assistance Project “Strengthening of human resources, legal frameworks and institutional capacities to implement the Nagoya Protocol in the Republic of Belarus” of March 30, 2018 No. 2/18/000874.
PRESS RELEASE. Governments and indigenous peoples meet to discuss contribution of traditional knowledge and their collective actions to global biodiversity policy
Governments and indigenous peoples meet to discuss contribution of traditional knowledge and their collective actions to global biodiversity policy
PRESS RELEASE. Governments agree on the contribution of traditional knowledge to global biodiversity policy
16 DECEMBER 2017 – Delegates to the tenth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity agreed on a set of recommendations related to the contributions of indigenous peoples and local communities to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The recommendations from the meeting will be sent to the Conference of the Parties at the 2018 UN Biodiversity Conference being held in Egypt in 2018.