14 March 2023
Belarus will share its experience related to the communication of researchers and Competent National Authorities for access to genetic resources
ПодробнееWebinar participants were learn about the Global Expert Community on the Nagoya Protocol and its virtual platform for training, sharing of experience and getting hip to global news.
ПодробнееThe Article in “The Science and Innovations” considers the issues related to the Nagoya Protocol operation, including the fundamental principles of benefit-sharing arising from access to genetic resources.
ПодробнееThe DNA identification of rare and endangered plant species started in 2017 at the Republican DNA Bank. DNA barcoding is the best approach and tool to study flora and fauna and organize the obtained data in a special database.
ПодробнееThe Nagoya Protocol is an international mechanism that ensures the realization of sovereign rights of country Parties to the Protocol over their genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge and the achievement of the 3rd objective of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
ПодробнееElena Guzenko, Deputy Director for Science and Innovation, the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus Alexander Kilchevsky, Deputy Chairperson of the Presidium of NAS of Belarus, Academician Russian version is available at: http://abs.igc.by/kodeks-povedenija-v-oblasti-dostupa-k-geneticheskim-resursam-i-sovmestnogo-ispolzovanija-vygod/