Checkpoint for monitoring the utilization of genetic resources of the Republic of Belarus
2 March 2018
Belarus hosted the Regional Round Table event of the Bio-Bridge Initiative on 26-28 February 2018

On 26-28 February 2018, Minsk hosted the Regional Round Table event dedicated to the Bio-Bridge Initiative of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asian Republics. The meeting was organized in Belarus by the Secretariat initiative and the National Coordination Centre on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing, the Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus, provided organizational support.

20 February 2018
POST-EVENT PRESS RELEASE. Inception Workshop on 7-8 February 2018.

On 7-8 February 2018, Minsk hosted an Inception Workshop on the International Technical Assistance Project “Strengthening of human resources, legal frameworks and institutional capacities to implement the Nagoya Protocol in the Republic of Belarus”. The Institute of Genetics and Cytology, NAS of Belarus, is the project executing entity in the Republic of Belarus. This project […]

6 February 2018
Minsk hosted an Inception Workshop on the UNDP-GEF Project “Strengthening of human resources, legal frameworks, and institutional capacities to implement the Nagoya Protocol in the Republic of Belarus”

On 7-8 February 2018, an Inception Workshop on the UNDP-GEF Project “Strengthening of human resources, legal frameworks, and institutional capacities to implement the Nagoya Protocol in the Republic of Belarus” was held at the Conference Hall of Minsk International Educational Centre named after Johannes Rau (IBB), 11 Gazety Pravda Ave., Minsk. This project is part of the Global Project for 24 countries funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

26 January 2018
Celebration of 25th Anniversary of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Guidance

In 2018, the Convention on Biological Diversity will celebrate 25 years since its entry into force. On June 5th 1992, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was adopted and opened for signature. On December 29th 1993, the Convention entered into force. The following guidance note outlines how this anniversary can be used to celebrate 25 years of action for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the equitable sharing of benefits from the use of genetic resources. This is a land mark moment in the history of the CBD.

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