Transfer of 50 individuals of the aquatic warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) to Lithuania
Agreement 2019_AW IRCC Aquatic warbler 2019 Prior Informed Consent
ПодробнееTransfer of 1000 samples of antarctic organisms (fragments of tissues, bodies or thally) to study the genetic diversity of ANTARCTICA
Prior Informed Consent Permit. Transfer of Antarctic organisms AGREEMENT. RUS-EN
ПодробнееTransfer of riverine invertebrates and fish DNA to the UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, NEW ZELAND
Signed Agreement IRCC. Riverine invertebrates and fish
ПодробнееTransfer of 50 birdlings of the aquatic warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) to create a new population of this globally threatened species in the territory of Lithuania
Within the framework of the International Technical Assistance Project: LIFEMagniDucatusAcrola, LIFE15NAT/LT/001024 “Stepping stones towards ensuring long-term favourable conservation status of the aquatic warbler in Lithuania” of November 2, 2017 No. 2/17/000847 and in accordance with the Nagoya Protocol requirements, the Republic of Belarus has transferred 50 birdlings of the aquatic warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) to create a new population of this globally threatened species in the territory of Lithuania.
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PIC. Prior Informed Consent Permit IRCC. Root samples of Orchidáceae
ПодробнееThe Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus transferred to the Institute of Biology – a separate division of the federal state budgetary division of science of the Federal Research Center “Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” – grains of spring soft wheat.
Акт приема-передачи генетический ресурсов Минприроды – разрешение Договор о передаче генетических ресурсов Договор о передаче генетических ресурсов IRCC – RUSSIA-Inst Plant Physiology -potato – absch-ircc-by-241239-1-en
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Permit Internationally Recognized Certificate of Compliance