Member of the Bureau of the 13th and 14th Conferences of the Parties tothe UN Convention to Combat Desertification, Chairperson of the RegionalCommittee for Central and Eastern Europe (2017-2022).Responsibilities:
– ensuring the implementation in the Republic of Belarus of the procedurefor access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge providedfor by the Nagoya Protocol;
– maintaining a database for monitoring the utilization of geneticresources (GRs utilization) and ensuring liaison in the framework of the Access& Benefit-sharing Clearing-House (ABS Clearing-House);
– developing proposals for improving legislation in the area of geneticresources’ management;
– preparing and implementing International Technical Assistance Projectson the conservation and restoration of biological and landscape diversity;
– raising awareness of stakeholders and the public about the NagoyaProtocol and legal regulation of genetic resources’ management.