Capacity Building for the Safeguarding of Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources and Legal Regulation of Access to It in the Republic of Belarus
UNESCO project No. 2240116046 under the Participation Programme for 2022-2023

Implementing agency: State Scientific Institution “Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.”
Project goal: Raising public awareness of the importance of traditional knowledge and practices associated with genetic resources; their role for the sustainable development of the country and the preservation of national identity; conservation of biological diversity; and the development of recommendations for legal regulation in the field of conservation, use, and transfer of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources for the effective implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Genetic Resources Management.”
Project objectives:
- Raising awareness among stakeholders of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources;
- Preparing proposals for practical measures for the conservation of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources in the Republic of Belarus;
- Preparing proposals for the legal regulation of issues related to access to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources and the fair sharing of benefits.
- One workshop and two round tables were held under the project to raise awareness of stakeholders, discuss the measures required for the conservation of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, and develop approaches to legislative regulation in this area.
- An analysis of the current situation in the field of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources in the Republic of Belarus was carried out; international experience and best practices of legal regulation in this area were analyzed;
Based on an expert’s analysis of the current situation and international experience, the following was presented:
- a report assessing the state of traditional knowledge and practices in Belarus;
- recommendations on practical measures for the conservation of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources and the legal regulation of access to traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources.
The project target group included the following beneficiaries: traditional knowledge holders, including women (living mainly in rural areas); young people; scientific institutions involved in the issues related to the conservation of biological diversity and the intangible cultural heritage; educational institutions; government bodies responsible for legal regulation in the field of environmental protection, culture, and education.
Activities held under the project:
Wormwood, bitter grass: Traditional Knowledge and Modern Youth Projects
(30 October 2023)

Round table:
Safeguarding of Traditional Knowledge and Practices Associated with Genetic Resources: Strategy, Tactics, and Main Actors
(5 December 2023)

Round table:
Safeguarding and Legal Regulation of the Management of Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources
(6 December 2023)

An expert’s analysis of the species diversity of medicinal herbs used by Belarusians was carried out. For the first time, the species composition of higher vascular plants used by Belarusians in herbal medicine was established. The use in folk medicine of individual representatives of higher vascular plants by divisions, as well as the main methods of their application, was considered. The need to develop legal regulation mechanisms at the national level in the field of management of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources was noted.
An expert’s analysis of the current situation in the field of conservation of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources in the Republic of Belarus was carried out. “Traditional knowledge” means knowledge, skills, experience that are of an applied nature and develop in the form of an intellectual response to the needs of life; transmitted from generation to generation, mainly verbally; are characterized from the perspective of a synthesis of two components: ideas about the environment and people in it, as well as practical life skills in appropriate natural and climatic conditions. International experience and best practices in legal regulation in the field of the management of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, as well as the state of things in this area at the national level, were analyzed.
Proposals for improving interdepartmental liaison and recommendations were formulated:
- For state and local authorities: to ensure recognition and enhancement of the role and respect for traditional knowledge related to agriculture, livestock, fisheries, game management, traditional cuisine, as well as associated beliefs and customs contributing to ensuring the food security of the country;
- For scientific organizations: to improve the level of scientific research in the field of studying the intangible cultural heritage of Belarusians.

To visualize the role of UNESCO in achieving the project goals and addressing the project objectives, a leaflet and two booklets were published in Russian and English using the UNESCO logo:
“Traditional Knowledge of Belarusians: from the Past to the Future”
“Species Diversity of Medicinal Herbs Used by Belarusians”
The project was implemented in close contact with the National Commission of the Republic of Belarus for UNESCO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.
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